This page contains information about how we process personal data on our website. That is, information that, on its own or in conjunction with other information, can be used to identify, contact or locate a specific person, or to identify an individual. Please read our privacy policy carefully for a clear understanding of how we collect, use, protect or otherwise process your personal data.
What personal data do we collect from people who visit our website?
Traffic information provided by your browser, such as browser version, language, the address of the page you came from and other traffic information such as the IP address. When registering via a form on our website, you may be asked to provide your name, email address, telephone number, website address or other details.
When do we collect information?
We collect the information when you complete a form or enter other information on our site. We will immediately disclose your data if you so request. We will completely remove you if you cancel your registration or request to be forgotten. If you want to correct your email address, we will help you with that too.
Why do we need your information?
The information you provide will help us in two ways:
We can personalize your experience and deliver the kind of content and product offerings you are most interested in. We can improve our website so it can be of greater benefit to you.
We need your email address to:
Send information that may be of interest to you, respond to enquiries and/or other issues or questions. Add it to our mailing list to continue sending emails to our customers after the original deal has ended.
You have the right to receive a copy of your personal data. Please contact us by email if you wish to receive a copy.
Can I cancel my mailing list subscription from Extena?
Yes. Click on Unsubscribe or Deregister in one of our mailings or contact us directly.
How do we protect your information?
Your personal data is stored behind secured networks and is accessible only to a limited number of people who have special rights to these systems. These persons are obliged to keep the information confidential. In addition, all sensitive information that is stored is encrypted via SSL (Secure Socket Layer) technology.
Do we use cookies?
Yes. Read more about cookies on our website here
Third party information
We do not sell, exchange or otherwise transfer your personal data to any external parties.
Third party links
We do not include or offer any external products or services on our website.
What personal data do we collect from people who visit our website?
Traffic information provided by your browser, such as browser version, language, the address of the page you came from and other traffic information such as the IP address. When registering via a form on our website, you may be asked to provide your name, email address, telephone number, website address or other details.
When do we collect information?
We collect the information when you complete a form or enter other information on our site. We will immediately disclose your data if you so request. We will completely remove you if you cancel your registration or request to be forgotten. If you want to correct your email address, we will help you with that too.
Why do we need your information?
The information you provide will help us in two ways:
We can personalize your experience and deliver the kind of content and product offerings you are most interested in. We can improve our website so it can be of greater benefit to you.
We need your email address to:
Send information that may be of interest to you, respond to enquiries and/or other issues or questions. Add it to our mailing list to continue sending emails to our customers after the original deal has ended.
You have the right to receive a copy of your personal data. Please contact us by email if you wish to receive a copy.
Can I cancel my mailing list subscription from Extena?
Yes. Click on Unsubscribe or Deregister in one of our mailings or contact us directly.
How do we protect your information?
Your personal data is stored behind secured networks and is accessible only to a limited number of people who have special rights to these systems. These persons are obliged to keep the information confidential. In addition, all sensitive information that is stored is encrypted via SSL (Secure Socket Layer) technology.
Do we use cookies?
Yes. Read more about cookies on our website here
Third party information
We do not sell, exchange or otherwise transfer your personal data to any external parties.
Third party links
We do not include or offer any external products or services on our website.
Google We have implemented the following: We, together with third party suppliers such as Google, use first party cookies (such as Google Analytics cookies) and third party cookies or other third party identifiers together to collect information about user interactions as they relate to our site.
Here you will find information from Google about how their different cookies are used>
You can read more about how Google Analytics uses collected data here>
You can prevent the information that Google cookies generate about your use of our website from being collected and used by Google in the future by downloading and installing the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on for your current browser.
You will find this add-on here>
How does our site handle Do Not Track signals? We respect Do Not Track signals and do not track. We do not plant cookies when a Do Not Track browser mechanism is in place. Does our site allow third-party behavioural tracking?- It is also important to note that we allow behavioural tracking from third parties.
- If you would like to opt out from receiving further emails from us in the future or to change your personal data
- Follow the instructions at the bottom of each email or contact us directly and we will remove you immediately from our mailing lists.